WHY Communicate Thought Leadership Posts

Member First - The Secret to Long-term Success
Part 1 of a 3-Part Series

By Heather Whyte, CEO and Founder of WHY Communicate Inc.

Recently, I was preparing my CSAE Connections presentation and made a surprising discovery. My presentation is on the critical importance of member analysis when creating highly compelling value propositions that ensure an association’s long-term success. I was scouring expert insights and research studies, when I was struck by the fact that many associations seem stuck in a rut. The sector has struggled with declining membership for decades. Yet, based on the research I’ve seen, it appears that only one in every four Canadian association leaders have successfully changed their strategies to address ongoing challenges. 

As an association executive, I’ve reviewed hundreds of industry research reports during my career. Surprisingly many of the reports I’ve seen in recent years reflect that same or similar concerns and trends seen in the CSAE’s 2024 Member Trends Report. For example:

• The CSAE found that only 26% of Canadian member association leaders participating in its study believe they have a compelling unique value proposition that attracts and retains members. That echoes the results of similar association value proposition assessments published over the past five years. It is a little better than some, yet it still far too low.

• Leaders’ top short-term priorities cited in the CSAE 2024 report include the need to enhance their value proposition, engage members and find effective ways to communicate their association’s value so it is recognized by members. These findings mirror those I’ve read for the past 10 years.   

• Membership numbers have increased for 49% of the respondents of the CSAE survey. However, CSAE noted in its commentary that the uptick may be more of a rebound (vs. a long-term trend) given the improvement in the numbers is calculated from a baseline measured when the majority of associations experienced membership declines due to restrictions imposed during COVID.

These were findings shared by the CSAE in its 2024 Member Trends Report. They echo the insights shared by membership guru, Sarah Sladek, in her recent book MemberShift.

So, is anything changing in the association world? If not: Why not?

“Membership organizations are in a crisis,” says Sladek. “[Membership] decline has been steadily worsening since the 1990s. Membership organizations are struggling to recruit and retain members and compete amid rapid change.”

Associations are filled with intelligent, innovative leaders and the consultants who support them. So why do the same problems continue to plague the sector year after year?

My experience leads me to believe there are a few fundamental factors that keep many associations stuck. Some of the biggest barriers include an embedded dependence on transactional relationships with members, a short-term focus on surface-level wins, and internal resistance that can dampen deep organizational change.

So how do associations get unstuck? Where do leaders start their journey to future-proofing themselves in times of constant change?

Like CSAE and Sladek, I believe the secret to association sustainability is shifting to a member-centric organizational model – one that puts members first by adopting a hyper-focus on building interactive, trust-based relationships with members. That requires knowing what members care about most and what keeps them up at night. It involves understanding their values and how they want to belong and contribute to their communities. And it means engaging them, earning their trust, and helping them evolve in ways that enable them to better meet their current and future needs and expectations, and realize their long-term aspirations.

Watch for my next Blog Shifting to Members First for insights about a new membership approach that is driving success for associations. You can also read the series on CSAE’s website at https://csae.com/blogs/member-first-focus-the-secret-to-long-term-success/.

I welcome CSAE members to join me Oct. 31 at the Connections Conference in Ottawa. I will be talking more about how association leaders are adopting new approaches to member research to enhance their value proposition and attract and retain members in my presentation Want to Recruit and Retain Members? Know what they want, when they want it and how they want it!

Check out https://site.pheedloop.com/event/csae2024/schedule/SES164Y6AIW278OAB for more information.

Interested in hearing more? Sign up for a free one-hour consultation on my contact page so we can continue the conversation about your organization.


Shifting to Members First - Part 2 of a 3-part Series